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Philip Chin
Board Chair & Chief Executive Facilitator
A Sino-Kadazan who hails from Kg. Nampasan, Penampang, Phillip (a.k.a Linggit) leads the smallholder work of Forever Sabah under the state’s jurisdictional palm oil program. He also serves as a resource person for the Natural Resource Management Program Coordinator at PACOS Trust, a community-based organization in Penampang, Sabah. He holds a Certificate from the Human Resource Development Bureau, Malaysia, and is trained in Community Based Hydro Power Development in Indonesia. Philip has 18 years’ worth of experience working on watershed management in rural communities. He is also a community mapping and GIS specialist (trained by the ESRI). He has worked in several other capacities, namely Micro-hydro Technical Advisor and Project Team Leader for Community Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) DANIDA in Northern Sabah
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