The ‘Sabah Sharks and Rays Forum 2018’ is a gathering of Malaysian, regional and international experts to explore synergies between fisheries, conservation and tourism. The Forum is a one and a half day event.
The first day provides the opportunity to share information about advances in shark and ray-focused legislation, research and awareness raising in Sabah. It will also provide a platform for input and feedback by experts from the region (including the Philippines and Hong Kong) and from the international sphere. Additionally, civil society organizations will present a ‘Vision and Goals for Sabah’s Sharks and Rays 2022’ for discussion.
The second morning is a high-level event. Presentations will be made by a number of senior government figures and will be followed by a facilitated roundtable to discuss the core issues, evaluate challenges and to explore solutions. The event will draw to a close at lunchtime with a Press Conference.
To ensure the views of individuals involved in Sabah's fishing industry are fully articulated and considered by participants, the organisers are hosting a dedicated event in Semporna one month before the Sabah Forum. To convey the key messages, the outcomes will be presented by a representative of the community and be accompanied by a short film of the event.
The expected outcome of the Forum is the advancement of ideas about how to ensure the sustainability of Sabah’s sharks and rays while also supporting the local fishing and tourism sectors.
5th IMCC
The Sabah Sharks and Rays Forum is being held immediately prior to the 5th International Marine Conservation Congress (Kuching, 24-29 June 2018). Please register separately for each event.
For more info regarding the 5th IMCC, visit their website here.




in collaboration with

Save the earth! This is a paperless and Forum bag free event.
#StayGreen Tips
This is a pro-environment Forum.
Our event has an online registration platform.
Please download the program and bring it with you on your smartphone, tablet or computer.
The menu presents our values in being mindful of how food impacts conservation efforts.
Think about waste! PLEASE let us know if you're cancelling your attendance 2 weeks in advance.
Photos and presentations will be made available on the website after the event.
in Sabah and International Trade of Malaysia's Sharks and Rays

LEAP Spiral
Tel : +6 088 710 708
Fax : +6 088 710 708
H30, Gaya Park, Lorong Muntahan 1C,
Jalan Penampang, 88300 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia